May 5th is Boys’ Day in Japan, but I wanted to post about profound girls’ stuff this morning.

The new Chanel N°5 ad campaign which accompanies a film titled Train de Nuit starring actress Audrey Tautou started today. It’s just a commercial, but the film made me think of the difference between an iconic product and a masterpiece… and about something a bit more personal – irreconcilable cultural differences (my wife is French)!

五月五日は日本の子供の日。ここニューヨーク市では、市が制定した『シャネル No.5の日』ということになったとか。まさに資本主義の国ならではのこと。オドレイ・トトゥを起用したシャネル「No.5」の新しいフィルムと広告キャンペーンが、今日から始まった。

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A sculptor living in New York

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