When I was a kid in Japan, I didn’t know Ted Turner was a businessman. I thought his job was to helm racing yachts. Courageous was my favorite yacht – it had the most beautiful form among all the different kinds of racing crafts. I thought, and still think, the most compelling stripped-down aesthetic exists in yacht racing.

I hardly wear a fragrance at all but enjoy smelling fragrance raw materials. Lately I have been intrigued by a musk molecule that is a little different from other musks. I started to wear it at 0.8% concentration level this summer. It smells like wind over the deck of a carbon/Kevlar® racer and whispers in my ear, “This beauty is light and fast, dangerous and fun!”


私がまだ十代の頃に、世界的なヨットレーサーとして活躍していたCNNの創始者テッド ターナーのことやら、最近執心の新種のムスクに感じること。

Written by:

A sculptor living in New York

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